Get Out Of Jail Free Card – Visualize Yourself Without Debt

in-jail-from-debtDebt is a prison and you don’t get out of jail until your creditors are paid off.  Even if you don’t feel like you are in prison debt still narrows your range of choices and options.  You may be just to distracted with the shiny things you bought or by the stress of just making it each month that you might not even be able to visualize what life is like without debt.

I will tell you first hand, being out of debt is awesome.  We have so many more options as a family it is so energizing and even a bit overwhelming at times, but it is a great problem to have.

This post is designed specifically to try and lift our heads out of the muck to visual and imagine what it would be like without debt.

A good way to start is to close your eyes and picture your list of debts in your head.  Now cross them off one by one starting with the the debt that irks you the most.  Pause after each cross off to let yourself feel the emotion of having that debt gone.   I am picturing having my house paid for and a big smile comes across my face.

Once you have finished that exercise consider a few ways that getting out of debt frees up our future.

  1. Cash flow. How much cash is tied up in monthly payments?  Think about all the savings, vacations, or purchases that you could quickly save for.
  2. Stability. How much less scary losing your job would be? How about a major repair?
  3. Career.  Think about how little you would be tied to a job you don’t like when you only have a few monthly bills to take care of.   That career or job you always wanted is now on the table.
  4. Time and Energy. Imagine all the time and energy that you were wasting on thinking, stressing, and paying for your debt.  What kinds of great things you could be using it for?

There are thousands of other areas that debt effects, but it is for you to start to put on the no debt mindset.

If you really start to feel and see how great it will be,you will be amazed at how much energy it creates for your debt destruction journey.

Let’s hear it.  What type of things are you going to reclaim in your life?  What dreams can you begin to consider again?


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