4 Ways Win By Quitting

give_up-resign-move-on.jpgSometimes we get to the end of our rope and realize that what we are currently doing isn’t working. Take heart, despite how we may feel at the time, it might be the best thing that ever happened to us. So many successful people have the rock bottom story that changed their lives. Whether it is when the creditors started calling, the death of someone close, a sunken business, failed college course, or even the loss of a close friend to a huge mistake; they all hold opportunities for growth. Opportunities to change our lives. No matter how we get there, sometimes giving up and admitting that we are sinking is a huge step. Here are a few ways to that you can benefit and deal with ‘giving up’:

Realize that we all make mistakes. Sure some are bigger than others, but it doesn’t matter how we got there. We need to use that experience to change, not to keep ourselves trapped in self-pity and remorse.

Change Your Strategy. The perspective that comes from giving up often reveals the futility of our current course of action. When we are in the midst of the muck and mire, we continue to trudge the current path for lack of a better idea. Once we step back from our problems, we can start to think in solutions rather than problems. When you realize that your current income just isn’t cutting it, you can step back and look for answers. Rather than try and juggle your bills on too little money, we get a second job until we can turn it around. Maybe we sell a car to cut expenses, or even ask for a raise.

Talk to, learn from, and lean on others. The dose of humility that comes with admitting defeat often helps us realize that the task is bigger than us at this time. Talk to you wife, family, and best friends. Find support on a blog, or in an internet community. Give you best friend you credit card, if you can’t stop going into debt. Someone has been in your situation, and in worse. Find some common ground, and let others feed into you. Accept the help, it is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of humility and intelligence.

Divide and conquer.
Often we spread ourselves so thin that we aren’t doing anything well, and the house of cards crumble. Sit done, come up with your priorities, and focus on the most important tasks. For example, if you are in over your head in debt, make sure the lights stay on and a roof over your head. Pay the minimum on all the debts, and focus your intensity on getting rid of one.

We have all been faced with turning point moments; the key is how we respond. I have often found that giving up, can be the right choice to turn things around. To wrap up, I wanted to share a small experience from two years ago. I happened to start my MBA, just two weeks before unexpectedly adopted our first son. Being a father to a newborn was quite an adjustment in and of itself, but throw a notoriously undisciplined and unorganized person trying to take two graduate classes on top of that, and I was bruised and beaten to say the least. I trudged through the first quarter, until my wife said this has got to stop. I really felt called to stay in school, but the current strategy(or lack of on) wasn’t working at all. I sat down with my wife, asked for some advice, and got her input on what would make her happy. She helped me lay out a plan for success, and I told her that if it didn’t work after this quarter I would call it quits. To my delight with some prayer and some help, that semester went providentially well. Amen, for giving up!


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